May 2010 Newsletter

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![]() Tania is one of our fourth year students who is doing her year of practice in Cuicateco region in the mountains of Oaxaca. Her primary work is assisting the local church leader Brother Manuel Santiago, helping him with visitation, and teaching the children, youth and women in the church. This is in the village of El Cacique, where there are sixteen families in the church fellowship. God has been using Tania in her times of visitation in homes of the brethren to bring encouragement and reconciliation among the brethren, and the church is going through a special time of revival. The village of Cacalotepec is about an hour walk on a mountain trail from El Cacique. In this place several years ago, the Lord allowed students and missionaries from MITC to go and share the Gospel.
Several people have come to know the Lord Jesus, but there has been a strong opposition to those believers and to those who want to share of Christ, especially during the last few years. Tania visits Cacalotepec once a week, primarily to have a children's Bible club and to encourage the few brethren of this place, most of whom are elderly. God has blessed the children's Bible club, as kids from non-believing households are attending. Tania is then able to accompany some of the kids back home and visit a little with their parents. She was on one such visit and, arriving at the household, she was greeted by the mother of one on the kids from the club, who asked Tania to come in the house. The lady was making tortillas and Tania offered to help (all the girls learn cooking while they are in here at the school). While they worked together pounding out tortillas, Tania spoke with the lady about her child and struck up a friendship. A little while later during the conversation, the woman told Tania that she had been suffering from severe shoulder pains for some time, at which Tania said she could probably benefit from a massage to help soothe the pain. She offered to do this for the woman and asked if she had any oil she could use as a rub. The lady responded that she had all kinds of oils. Tania was a little surprised with the answer and as the lady brought out many kinds of "curing oils", it suddenly dawned on Tania that she was in the home of a local healer, or witch doctor! This woman had been a very strong opponent of all who visited this place with the Gospel and now Tania un-knowingly had established a relationship to share the Gospel with her and was a blessing to her in her home. God works in ways we do not expect and could never plan on our own. Please continue to pray for Tania and the work in El Cacique and Cacalotepec. |
![]() This past month, once again, we had the opportunity for the United Youth Choir to sing in the Pedro Diaz theater in downtown Cordoba. The musical they presented contained a strong message about the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. The concert was open to the public, flyers were distributed in the town square, and many came in off the street to listen to the kids sing. Once again, God used these young people to touch others with God's word and love. It was a special time as many heard the truth from the Bible regarding Christ and Resurrection Sunday (Easter). The youth sang beautifully and with great enthusiasm. Our hearts were blessed. We thank God for the opportunities the choir has to sing in these public venues, for at one time, it was not possible to do this outside of a church facility. Pray that the Lord would continue to open these doors for the proclamation of His Word.
(Photo: United Youth Choir) |
![]() Medical work has been a central part of the outreach ministry of MITC for many years. We have had hundreds of medical and dental campaigns with the purpose of sharing the love of God. This past month one of our dear friends, Dr. Biff Cook, was recognized by the state government of Oaxaca for his many years of altruistic labors in surgical campaigns in Mexico. Biff is presently having some serious health problems that have stopped his surgical trips. We ask your prayers for Biff and his family during this most difficult time and we are thankful for his love for the work here in Mexico and his service to many using his surgical skills.
(Photo: Dan, Dr. Santos, Biff Cook & Dr. Santos) |
We begin our summer months of co-ministry with different groups and churches. Please pray for God's direction and protection as they travel and come to serve among us.
Thank you for your love, prayers, and support. May God always be our sufficiency and may He receive all honor and glory. By His grace, Dan & Chuy Hall |
Want to come help out? Contact David Bryant at
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