August 2010 Newsletter

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![]() Meche and Liz are two of our young lady students that are shining in a special way. Meche is a Mixe girl that was born in a home and family with many problems and abuses because of sin and unbelief. God began to work on her circumstances when she was adopted by her uncle, Brother Victor Castanon (missionary in Magone in the Mixe region). In that home, she came to know Jesus and grew up with a desire to serve God. Overcoming serious problems with her eyesight, language barriers and a lack of formal education, she came to study here at the Bible school. She graduated and has been a missionary to the Mixe churches for the last several years. Her testimony of love for the Lord is indeed great! This past month, she married a fine Christian young man from Puebla. We had the blessing of participating in the wedding and afterward meeting several people from Magone, who have come to know the Lord as a result of her ministry in that area. As she and Samuel move to Puebla to live and work with the local church, we know she will continue to shine for the Lord. |
![]() Liz is a second year student who has already made quite an impact due to her love and service for the Lord. She came to study here right after she graduated from dental school, having a strong desire to serve Christ in every way possible. Feeling the need to prepare for a ministry as a dental missionary, she has enrolled in the Bible school, coming to classes in the morning and working in her clinic in the afternoons (quite a full schedule!). God gave her the blessing of meeting Eric, from the Youth Choir in Orizaba, and they were married this past month here on campus. Liz helps with visiting dental teams and with many of the dental needs of our students and staff. We thank God for these lives that are giving Him glory. (Photo: Liz & Eric) |
![]() God's gospel was preached and His love physically shared in twenty-five different towns by medical teams from Brookwood Baptist Church and Broadmoor Baptist Church of Shreveport, Louisiana. Each day during the two weeks with these brethren, we visited towns and villages to give medical consults, medicines, clothing, toys, and shared the Word with all those coming to the clinics. It was a special blessing to go to some areas where there were no evangelical church of believers, sharing with the people for the first time about God's salvation. In other areas, the work done by the doctors and teams reinforced the witness of the local church and missions. Heading up the team from Brookwood was the mission's Pastor Donny Lee and Dr. Jeff German. Preaching for the services during the week with the Broadmoor team was Pastor Chuck Pourcieau, and coordinating the trip for Broadmoor was Brother Larry Williams, long time friend and veteran of many mission trips to MITC. Many lives were touched and affected eternally by this time of special services and testimony by these dear brethren. |
![]() July is a big month for VBS (Vacation Bible School) here at MITC and our surrounding missions and churches. Our second year class goes out divided into teams to villages in the mountains in Oaxaca. We also have VBS in the churches here in the Cordoba area and a special week of teaching for children here on campus. This last VBS effort here at MITC is aimed at children from our neighborhood whose families do not attend church. Brother Arce is our VBS coordinator here at MITC, organizing all the teams that go out, and he also heads up the week of VBS here on campus. Again helping him this year, were girls from the mission team at Bible Chapel of Delhi Hills of Cincinnati, Ohio. The last day of class, there were about ninety kids and many mothers. It was a great time as children and adults learned about the virtues of our Lord and Savior. Ana Garcia started a class for the moms that brought their children. They made crafts and had Bible studies while the children were in the VBS. Heading up the group from Bible Chapel were Pastor Kevin Landis and Dan Stout. |
![]() Finally, on a personal note, we share with you that our third son, William, has graduated from High School and has now entered his first semester in college in Puebla (about 2 hours away), where he has started his studies in Pre-Medicine. Keep him (and us) in your prayers at this new stage in his life. We pray that he will glorify God with his life. Thank you for your love and prayers and support for us, as we want to give God glory. May His light shine in all of us every day. Yours, in His grace, Dan and Chuy Hall
Want to come help out? Contact David Bryant at
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