
April 2010 Newsletter

April 2010 MITC April Newsletter
Dear James,
"For this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even beyond death." Psalms 48:14.

"Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." John 11:25
Don Beto Medinilla
  Don Beto
Don Beto Medinilla, was one of the first Christians in the village of Usila. Soona fter his conversion and as his faith in the Lord Jesus became evident to all in the area, the once mayor of Usila suffered the stoning of his house for hours by angry townsmen. His fellow Chinanteco brethren felt betrayed because he renounced idolatry and the common sinful lifestyle of the place, were trying to make him recant and turn back to the old ways. But Don Beto's new faith was rooted in the Rock of our salvation and he continued to believe and serve Jesus Christ. Soon the Gospel was received by other and they began meeting in Don Beto's house, which became the Usila Church. To testify of his new life in Christ, he poured out a storehouse full of beer and liquor and used the empty bottles to make a monument in his back yard. There were no half-way thoughts in this man. God used him to bring Luis Pacheco, a Catholic priest, to a living and true faith in Jesus, and was also instrumental in spreading the Gospel to at least fifteen other villages in his region. His home was also the place where we stayed, at, and had medical and dental clinics for many, many years. His home and heart were always open to those who served the Lord Jesus. Two years ago, we received word that he was very ill and that preparations were being made for his funeral. But he got well. And when we were back in Usila for a Bible Conference a few weeks later, we were greeted by Don Beto who then said, "Hermano Dan (Brother Dan), don't call me Beto anymore, call me "Lazarus", because the Lord raised me up from my deathbed so that I can go share the Gospel with some people in a nearby village." He shared the need of salvation with every friend and relative he could. We visited with Beto a few weeks ago as we heard again the news of his deteriorating health. I asked him, "Beto, you know that the Lord is our Shepherd and He will lead us even beyond death." He replied, "Dan, Our God is a great God, of course I know He is with me always. I am ready to see Him." The Lord finally called Don Beto home on April 6th of 2010. He was known by believers and non-believers alike as one who served Christ faithfully and lived the Gospel to the end of his days. We thank God for blessing us with the life of this special Chinanteco servant and dear brother in the faith.
Campus Projects
We continue with projects here on campus, as the time has come for the complete overhaul of the mission kitchen. It has served us well for many years, but needs a good facelift. We are restructuring the sewage, water, gas and power. Hopefully, this will make it more functional and sanitary for all the food preparation that is done. During certain events, we serve meals that feed over 600 people. So we pray that this will be a blessing for our cooks, Regina and Luisa, and of course for all those who eat here every day of the year. Also, we are working on a new classroom facility to help with the increased number of students, especially in the Saturday Seminary program. We look forward to our summer visiting teams who will help us with manpower and materials to get these things done.

(Photo: New classroom)

Our Growing Community
We were blessed by the visit of Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Moore and a group of brethren from Christ Fellowship from Shreveport, LA. We were blessed as Tommy shared with us from the Word of God and as the team did some hard work digging the trenches and helping with the masonry work for the new sewage lines for the kitchen. The fellowship with these young adults was sweet and during their stay, we visited the church of Pancho, one of our alumni pastors. It was a special invitation to go to a baptismal service at his village up in the mountains two hours from here. Pancho graduated a few years ago and he presently pastors the church up in Cruz Verde. He also does masonry work here on the compound to help with his support and to help Brother Freddy with our building projects, on and off campus.

(Photo: Pancho, alumni pastor)

Mixe Region Bible Conference
  Gildardo, Felix, and Dan
Chuy and I had the blessing of visiting the Mixe region for a weekend Bible conference with the church leaders from that area. Brothers Victor, Felix, and Gildardo continue to work among seven churches in the area and have a group of men that have shown leadership gifts and good testimony and are in continual training for pastoral roles. Felix has started a youth choir among the Mixe and they share the Gospel through public presentations. God is at work in a special way in the area and we are thankful for the lives of these leaders. Gildardo and Felix are both former graduates from MITC Bible School. Please continue to pray for the Lord's strength and blessing for this part of the ministry.

Once again, thank you so much for your faithful prayers and loving support. May the Lord Jesus receive glory and honor.

Yours in His grace,
Dan & Chuy Hall

(Photo: Gildardo, Felix, and Dan)

Want to come help?
  MITC april
(Photo: Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Moore)

Want to come help out? Contact David Bryant at

Dr. Robert Bernard Black Dan Hall, David J. Bryant and MITC Board of Directors
Mr. & Mrs. George Gorsulowsky Dr. & Mrs. David Gorsulowsky
Dr. Robert Bernard Black Dr. & Mrs. John Preskitt
Mr. Justin Bloxom Dr. & Mrs. W.H. Worley
Ms. Kayla Matthews Ms. Taylor Coffman
Mrs. Mildred Cotten David & Ruth Bryant
Mrs. Nell Hall Dr. & Mrs. W.H. Worley
Mrs. Mary McConnell Steve & Sherri Patton
Dr. Fred Gray Dr. & Mrs. W.H. Worley
Dr. W.H. Worley Jimmy & Vicki Crow
Dr. Gary Chumley Jimmy & Vicky Crow



Contact Information




March 2010 Newsletter

March 2010 MITC March Newsletter
Dear James,
Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ; Titus 2:13 For our citizenship is in heaven, from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ... Philippians 3:20 Who also said, "Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven." Acts 1:11

We have a hope that is out of this world, literally. Our hope is in HIM, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is our Savior, Redeemer, and our eternal Hope rests in him. This is a present source of encouragement and strength in the midst of this world full of trials and temptations. Praise the Lord we have a great Savior!

Thank You on Behalf of Beto
In last month's letter we shared with you regarding Beto, Mary's son, who was diagnosed with a brain tumor. We want to thank you for your prayers for him, and also share with you the wonderful news about this problem. First of all, the Lord allowed Beto to get an emergency appointment in the US Embassy in Mexico City to see about a visa to travel to the US for medical treatment. This appointment was granted 2 days after it was requested and a visa was issued immediately for his travel! God provided a neurosurgeon, and a radio neurologist, and a urologist, to check him in Shreveport.

After running special full body scans as well as brain scans, it was determined that this was not a dangerous or growing tumor, but a fatty mass that has been with Beto possibly from birth, and that he should only be under observation for 3 to 6 more months. No surgery was necessary or any kind of treatment! He has been doing and feeling great! We are grateful to the Lord for his provision and for this turn of events and blessings upon Beto, Mary, Marlene, and all of our mission family. Special thanks to Mrs. Sherri Hagerhjelm who was the medical coordinator for Beto, and to Dr. and Mrs Rudolph Troup who opened their home for the duration of their stay in the US. Also we thank all the doctors who saw Beto during this trying time. Now we pray for God's continued grace and guidance for Beto, and that his life will continue to be a testimony to the mercy and grace of God. Once again thank you for your prayers.

God and Surgical Team help 40 patients in 3 days
  MITC - powell kacy surgical group
Also during the last month we saw the Lord's hand upon the surgical teams led by Drs. Kacy and Powell. These brethren came once again with several doctors and nurses and performed surgeries in the Chinanteco town of Usila, and also here in Cordoba. As each of these teams worked in the Operating Room our students worked outside, with the patients and relatives, sharing of Christ, and their need of Him, also praying with them before and after surgery. God blessed this time of service and many people were helped with surgeries of their hernias, gall bladders, and several gynecological procedures. Over 40 people were helped during the 3 day surgery trip. We are thankful for the good outcome and recovery of all the patients, and for the testimony shared of God's love and hope during this campaign.
Bill Britt and the United Youth Choir
We also had the visit of brother Bill Britt who came and preached for several evangelistic meetings with the United Youth Choir, and also shared with brethren from the mountain village churches during our bi-annual Study sessions for village preachers. In spite of catching a serious stomach virus, God used Bill powerfully in the preaching of the Word, and we were also blessed with the messages in song shared by Wendy (Bill's wife). One of these meetings was held in a downtown Cordoba theatre, there many people who had never heard the Gospel message before, were exposed to the truth of Christ our only Hope. God blessed this time in a special way, many hearts were moved to repentance and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. We are thankful for the Britt's visit and also for the Youth Choir that continues to be a blessing in a special way.
Woodcreek Church Partnership
  MITC - men
Woodcreek Church has partnered with us in the ministry for many years. This past month they sent two very special teams to serve among us. First was the Men's Work group that came and built a roof on a new classroom here on campus, and also helped put the walls up on the church building at El Pochote. This group was led by Pastor Bill Brewer and brother Tom Belter. It was exciting to see these men put together trusses, then mount them, and in less than a week have a new roof and ceiling on this building here on campus. A unique blessing was to see these men from the US joined by our 3rd year men working together as one team. This also allowed our guys to learn how to use many building tools and techniques. Of course the fellowship and camaraderie was great during this time of service to the Lord.

Then a week later, the Women's Group came from this same church, to help with the annual Women's conference. Carol Brewer and Chuy Hall, were the speakers for the ladies this year, and once again it was a special time of spiritual refreshing and encouragement for all those who attended. The theme of the conference was "God of Promises". Over 200 ladies who came for this 2 day event. In addition to the conferences there were classes and small group sessions led by our girl students and staff wives. Once again many lives were touched, and the Hope in Jesus Christ was strengthened in the hearts of many ladies as the faithfulness of God was seen in his never failing promises.

Thank you for your support
  MITC - woodcreek roof
God is at work, bringing many to the one and only true Hope through faith in Jesus, we are thankful for all the opportunities that we receive to be a part of his work, and pray that in all He would receive glory and honor. Thank you very much for all your prayers, love, and support on our behalf.

May the Lord bless you,

In his grace,
Dan and Chuy Hall
Want to come help?
  MITC - woodcreek women
Want to come help out? Contact David Bryant at

Chief Tommy Adams Vernon & Cathy Parkin
Buddy & Dottie Kinnebrew Dr. & Mrs. Tommy Mook
Mr. James Beck Dr. & Mrs. W. H. Worley
Mrs. Mary Monroe Mrs. Mary Edlin
Dr. John Leopard Dr. & Mrs. W.H. Worley
Mr. Hoy Strickland Dr. & Mrs. W.H. Worley
Mr. R.A. Bob Mackey Mr. & Mrs. David J. Bryant
Dr. Gordon Magee Mervyn & Marilyn Miller
Mr. Dennis Wade Mr. & Mrs. Leo Dillahunty
Mr. Joe Cobb Boyce & Judy Pate
Mr. Bob Miller Carole Beck
Mrs. Avenella Long Dr. & Mrs. W.H. Worley
Dr. John Leopard Dr. & Mrs. Ben Singletary
Mr. Johnny Mullins Mrs. Florence Gorum
Mr. Johnny Mullins Mrs. Dale Deloach
Mr. Johnny Mullins Mr. & Mrs. Bill Dunlap
Dr. Shirley Brown Mr. & Mrs. Bill Dunlap
Dr. W.H. Worley Mr. Bruce Flores
All of Bill & Mables Cherished Friends David & Barbara Magee
Bill & Mable Magee Mervyn & Marilyn Miller



Contact Information




February 2010 Newsletter

February 2010 News for the Mexican Indian Training Center in Cordoba, Veracruz, Mexico. In this edition, we discuss the visits from Emmanuel Baptist, a team from Canton, Texas and some other related news and prayer requests.

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